Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Digital Sketchbook

Masking Tape Shoe

This project challenged me in many ways.  I went into the project very confident that I could do a good job, soon to find myself faced with many obstacles. The assignment was to create a shoe out of only masking tape.  By using many layers of masking tape I was able to create a shell that I could fit the rest of the masking tape shoe into to complete the final product. The hardest part was trying to keep a kick in the toe of the shoe. I believe I learned a lot from this project, including valuable lessons of patience and experience in a different medium. 

Soap Carving

This was the most challenging project with me.  I am an artist interested mainly in drawing and painting, so while I greatly appreciate and enjoy 3D materials and projects, I feel it is not my strong area.  I wanted to challenge myself as an artist and chose a figure I thought would be more difficult.  At first, it looked like everything was going smoothly until limbs started falling off and proportions were coming out wrong. Overall, this project gave me great experience in carving for my first time and left my hands smelling very nice every day. 

Balsa Wood Sculptures

This project allowed me to express my interest in symmetry. I also discovered through our critiques that I have a type of architectural mind.  This project sparked my interest in word working and I plan to experiment more in the future. 

Map Relief 

The map relief assignment was my favorite project of the semester.  I took the idea of a map quite literally and designed an accurate depiction of my home - Long Island, using foam board, black ink, pins and black thread. The final piece reached 2 inches off the wall and is about 3 feet long. Being able to use new tools like the foam cutter was really cool and gave me a lot of ideas for future projects of my own. 


The memento project involved a bigger thought process than actual work process for me.  I struggled between a few memories and could not figure out which one to do or how I would execute it. Finally, I thought about what I was missing most at the moment- home. Using only 3 materials was perfect for me because it was all I felt I needed to complete this assignment. Beach glass from my father's actual house was the main material, with string and a wire hook wrapped around it to represent the time at my father's house spent searching for beach glass and fishing. 

3D to 2D

Luckily, other courses I am in have taught me a little about designing on computers.  This was a fun assignment for me because it gave me the chance to take something I already made and manipulate it into something completely different.  I am happy with the outcome and think it displays my style well. 

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